The Voluta Method
We will create upon the sound and timeless principles of fine art. We will do so in a warm and welcoming studio environment. We will teach our community the personal, aesthetic, and social implications of our craft so that it will make responsible body art choices. We will work to shed the ill persona of tattoo, elevating it to the realm of safe, collectible, personal fine art.

Simply put, custom means one-of-a-kind, just like you. At Voluta, custom means you are the only person on earth with your tattoo.
Custom means we have no premade designs. It means you are a collection of unique experiences, and we are eager to get at them, to turn them into one-off masterpieces.
Custom means we hone our skills and peel our ears to be ready for you. If we vibe through email and connect in consultation, we will sketch for you. We'll volley those sketches until you believe, until we share a clear vision, or mostly. 'Mostly' means that sometimes you trust us as we paint from mind directly to skin with the live tattoo machine. Sketches take us mostly there. Then we have to leap together.
Custom means expanding beyond the collection of brands that block in your creativity, promising individuality while selling the same 'art' to everyone.
Custom means you loved yourself enough to do it right.
Great art will shine through time. Critique by the most severe artists and art historians finds some creations to be so well conceived, so skillfully crafted, that we immortalize them. We build entire wings for them in museums. Such art influences the world forever. Albeit stylized to a recognizable era of human history, these dependable concepts flow through nearly every field of art and design for millennia to follow.
Research into such impressive art reveals that it has a natural appeal to us, a deeper pull than mere visual attraction. It seems we automatically overlay emotions with what we see and begin to weave ourselves into a narrative involving the art before us.
" There is NO WAY I would spend the night in an Egyptian pyramid!" Why not?
" I must buy that dress for my interview!" What will happen next in your story?
" I bought this Tesla because I care about the environment." Did you, now?
We are all given to such emotions and narratives, and great artists know it. At Voluta, we accept this natural instinct and are thrilled by it.
Your tattoo must intrigue the viewer and flatter your body. We will avoid tattoo trends, instead trusting the higher design principles that influence such trends. Further, we will carefully listen to you and help you interpret your instincts, share with you our education, and help clarify your narrative about the next level of you.
"Elegance is reduction, simplification, condensation. It is spare, stark, sleek. Elegance is cultivated abstraction. The source of Greek and Roman classicism - clarity, order, proportion, balance - is in Egypt."
~Camille Paglia

You don’t have to speak art and design at Voluta to collect great tattoos. That’s our work. We help you sift the imagery of time, history, fantasy, and reality to find your visual voice. While you master your life, dutifully braving a path for yourself, Voluta artists study art, design, visual trends, anatomy, psychology, and the human experience. We are continuously enrolled in classes ranging from traditional figure drawing to visual storytelling to UX/UI development. We will find your tattoo by listening to each other and sharing without judgment. Borrow our lenses for your vision. Rest easy knowing we will find clarity together.
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.”
~Georgia O’keeffe
Voluta is tattoos that interrupt conversations. Tattoos that bring grandmothers across the room, that your parents will take clout for. Viewers will liken your tattoos to great art and they will stare.
In a breath, your tattoos steal the room. Viewers are startled out of their moment by the visual proof that you are absolutely customized. The mystery of you multiplies. Balanced, deftly cut, shocking but never garish. Like the stripes you were born with, like the color of you worn away, revealing truth.
Voluta artists work around trends without giving them much weight. The strongest principles of art and beauty are universal. Our eyes require that certain elements of style must not be denied. To excite the visual center of our brains, we must weave human narrative into optical illusion.
You invested in great art, which is the way of so few. You paid for it with time, pain, blood, and money. You commissioned a painter for a one-off addition to your living gallery. You adorned your temple with stained glass. You've created mystery, which drives the desire for understanding, which crowns you the belle of the ball.
Voluta artists will bravely move to influence your opinion, put your ideas through the artistic ringer, to sift trends and impulses. The tattoo that remains will fit the best version of you. The most elegant you.
"Elegance is the only beauty that never fades."
~ Audrey Hepburn